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An Interview with Both “ME” and “ME’ME”

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     It is rare as hen’s teeth that a journalist can snag an interview with the now famous Donald Trump’s last two remaining twin brain cells, “ME” and “ME-ME”.

     My name was placed in a lottery with over 380 other news junkies who would sell both of their kidneys (at the same time, no less!) to get such an interview with those two media darlings.

     I think that I won the lotto due to the stars seeing that I always made my bed up in the mornings and I never drank caffeinated tea after 8 PM. Who else could claim such a record!

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

    In case you are a newbie to the media sensations of “ME” and “ME-ME”, they are the last two intact brain cells of Herr Trump and, boy, do they got a lot to say about memories of rambling around in an empty head and living off of fumes of  greasy fast food and quarts of warm Diet Coke.

    If you are stumped about how one person can be so consumed with his own presence and has no space or room for anyone or anything other than anything Trump, you need to read the following and incredible interview with these two remaining brain cells:

ME:  No matter what you have heard, America loves me because I epitomize America!

ME-ME:  Hey, what about me! When I saw how easy it was to con people into believing that I was one of them (ugh!), everything was downhill from there on.

People love to believe a lie that suits their idea of how things should work and I was more than happy to oblige them.

ME:  Hey, what about me! When you were slipping fast ones past those gullible GOP fat cats (of course, giving them tax breaks and keeping them quiet was like a shot of meth to an addict), they will take the money and run!

ME-ME:  Hey, I got one even better! The best way to run a con on my deplorable voters is to use the code words of states’ rights or law and order, which means: I am watching out for those black folks who want to overrun your manicured suburbs with their blasting boom boxes!

Ain’t nothing scares better than telling a white voter that unless you vote for me, “your” America is running out like a toilet paper scare in a pandemic!

ME:  I got one better than that old tried and true chestnut! I tell my boss that if he spooks folks with tales of hordes of dirty brown skinned people invading their cities and ripping off their city services, that will throw them into an outright panic.

I know from when we ran that scam about the Central Park Five being guilty, is that If you mix black and brown people with crime and show images of big, burly black men dressed in hooded sweats and scowling at the camera on the Five O’clock news, Bingo! You win!

ME-ME: (long and loud laugh) …Ain’t that the truth! Remember when we told

Donald that unless he put a blockade on Muslims entering the country, he would lose the suburbs! Well, he did it and Wow…did his poll numbers among his base shoot to the moon!

ME: Hey, we taught Donald a lot about America. Even his slogan, “Make America Great Again,” was recycled from the early years when the Klu Klux Klan marched in D.C.! Some things never change!

ME-ME:  You know, what I will miss the most when we get kicked out of the

White House is whispering into Donald’s ear that he is the victim. He loves the victim scenarios we prep for him. He feels oppressed by any negative media talk and that makes us have to work overtime to give him ideas as to how to counter when they say he lies all the time!

ME: He does lie all the time! How does anyone think that we could pull off these cons and grifts unless we feed the base some red meat that they are being belittled by the media and that their government is holding out on them?

If people only knew how hard we work to have Donald appear as a Darth Vader to those cringing old GOP senators.

ME-ME: Yeah, but we got to be careful. Some of them are wising up to us and the fear of The Donald may be losing its effect and especially since he lost the election. You and I tried to keep him on track, but some “others” got to

him and he threw the COVID-19 crisis under the bus and did not throw some more stimulus bucks to his base. That would have kept them quiet and would have silenced those spoiled suburban soccer moms!

ME: Hey, I told you to work with me and if you would have agreed to throw some bucks to those white middle class businesses, we would not be in this election mess! And I also told you to make a big show of giving monies to the black colleges, but you said no. Why?

ME-ME:  You know why! Those black voters are squirrely. One day, it is Black Lives Matter and then the next day they are talking about defunding the police. Simply could not get a handle on them.  They are all over the map!

ME: So, tell me little brother, where do we go from here? Donald, as you know is not the brightest bulb in the pack and he chases whatever whisper he hears in the closets and under bridges.…so what happens to us?

ME-ME: Well, we will go with the flow. Once the Donald is out on his own and if he can avoid New York state jail time for what you and I know he did with the foreign money and his taxes; you and I can start yammering in in his ears that his base is still intact and are awaiting their marching orders from him for the 2024 election cycle.

ME:  Aughh!!!!! Not another campaign. You and I barely made it out alive from that fateful trip down that stupid gold elevator in Trump Towers and now we gotta regroup and pull off another con?

ME-ME:  Ahhhh, is life not good? P.T. Barnum eat your heart out! “We got this one covered.

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com




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Revised: 12/10/20 10:16:14 -0500.

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