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Brain Washing 101…

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     Have you recently noticed that Herr Trump is pulling out all stops to get a slice of the critically important Black American vote?

     He is touting how much he has done for Black America, to the point that he compares himself to former President Abraham Lincoln!

     The rapper, Ice Cube, was recently on CNN explaining his Contract with Black America and that he is willing to work with whomever, including Trump, that will give his ideas some daylight.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

     Is this the same person who in times past was the brainstorm behind the group, NWA?  Trump, in this late stage of his seemingly failing campaign, is trying to hook onto the rapper’s fame and base and earn some votes.

      Knowing the racist tendencies of Trump, do you really believe that this late in the political season, that Trump has any muscle left to do anything of credence for Black America? He had his chance for four years and he ripped it up!

    Is Mike Tyson so simply punch drunk that he is totally clueless about Trump and his racial rants about Black people that he would endorse him?

    And what is up with the famous Cleveland Browns footballer, Jim Brown?

Has he lost his mind sitting up in Trump’s Oval Office with that clown, Kanye West, and Brown looking as if he lost the powers of speech!

     You can Google: “Negroes” who are on the Trump plantation and how they swoon and go starry-eyed when they are in the presence of this racist president.

     You wonder. You really got to wonder, how do any black people fall off the turnip truck and wind up supporting a man who clearly has no affinity for nor care for them or the collective plight of Black Americans?

     Trump has consistently shown by his words, lies and deeds that he considers Black people a “different” type of human.

      Why do I say this? When he was throwing red meat to his deplorable base and was worked up about Colin Kaepernick taking a knee for social justice regarding White cops putting Black men and women in early graves, he said (it is on tape) that he wished that the NFL owners would throw those, “Sons of Bitches off the field.”

     For those who do not know, a female dog is known as a bitch.  Trump dehumanized Black men to the point that they were deemed as the offspring of dogs breeding.

     That comment alone should have shredded any bond between Black people and Trump. But no, some of “our” people have heads that are harder than granite boulders.

    They have no shame and know truly little history of who they are and where they came from. All they see is a chance to be in the spotlight and maybe get a few dollars in soft monetary contracts; and to be spokespersons who must tie themselves in knots in order to explain his bizarre statements.

     How can Ben Carson continue to fawn over Trump? How can any Black person with two working brain cells kiss Herr Trump’s ring finger and come away with any sense of personal worth or value?

     When Trump repeatedly excoriates and traduces people of color and some of those lost souls run back for more, I think that it is a sickness, a mental health issue.

      The book by Dr. Frances Welsing (The Isis Papers) is instrumental in explaining such low esteem that people who purportedly “have it all together” show out shamelessly for Trump even when he clearly demonstrates traits and vocalizations of being a white supremacist.

     A book entitled, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and authored by Dr.  Joy Degruy is also enlightening describing how Black people can become so inured to their own self-interests that they are easy prey for a huckster like Herr Trump.

     You can see the Black apologists for Trump on television trying to defend his unconscionable behavior and virulent commentary towards people of color.

But, yet, even when such racist language comes directly from the mouth of Trump, his Black followers, ostensibly cover their ears and cackle on about how much Trump has done for the African-American community!

      Trump’s racist history is out in the open for all to see, hear and evaluate but still, some Black people will break a leg trying to get to Trump so they can touch the hem of his garments!

      When I see these sycophants cloying over Trump, it makes me nauseous to realize that they are overlooking his sordid racial history as if it does not matter to them but all that counts is that Trump talks a good game and for them, that is sufficient.

     Do we all have to think alike on all issues? Of course not. But let us be crystal clear and without any reservation that when a person repeatedly says to your face that the Confederacy (slavery included!) was not all bad or that there are fine White supremacists or he calls your Momma, a female dog, that person does not deserve an iota of your support.

     The effect of brainwashing as a result of being a subjected people for hundreds of years has not totally worn off on some Black people who insanely feel a sense of safety and comfort being in the presence of those who have expressed their animus towards you, but yet, you hold fast and true ever hoping that they will call you in from the cotton field and into the glories and pleasures of their plantation house.

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com



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Revised: 10/22/20 08:52:58 -0400.

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