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The Political Nightmare In Toledo…

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     It landed with a loud ringing and then an abrasive, “KA-THUMP!” I was told by a person known to me that four Black city council members were arrested via an FBI/informant sting operation.

     Tyrone Riley, Gary Johnson, Yvonne Harper and Larry Sykes were arrested by the feds and subsequently bonded out by federal Judge, J. Helmick with a later court date to be disclosed.

     As I was still trying to get the, “KA-THUMP” sound out of my head, I heard WTOL news about the incident and saw pictures of Yvonne Harper being arrested at her home on Franklin Ave.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

    Then, the next, “KA-THUMP” came rolling at me like a rumbling bowling ball and I was the nine pin in its way.

     That “KA-THUMP” was the name of Attorney Keith Mitchell who was out of town at the time of the initial arrests but returned when he learned about his fellow council members being arrested and that this was not a cruel prank.

     Atty. Mitchell reported to the authorities and was exonerated by Judge Helmick who accepted his rationale for a delay in his returning to Toledo… and no, he was not, as scurrilously reported, “on the lam.”

      Imagine, a fourth of city council being wiped out by a forty-one-page indictment and all at one time! Yowsa! Yowsa!

     So, let go down the list of what this means, or does not mean; and what are some possible outcomes of this political travesty that has sat its large rear end on the City of Toledo like a large rear ended bird settling in on its nest of hatchlings.

     ONE: Toss out the miscreants! This is an easy one to put out on blast.

Even though all the accused have the sacred right of being presumed innocent until found guilty, violated or enraged citizens want immediate action against any public servant who is even remotely accused of such wretched wrongdoing while serving the public trust and feeding at the public trough.

     Unless and until these council members voluntarily resign, they, according to the city charter, can remain place in and fulfill their councilmanic duties until otherwise removed by law or decree.

    Will they suffer the ire and evil eye of their fellow council members? Sure.

 Because those who were not accused are probably wondering: Were there any other past votes that these accused members voted on that were tainted by money improperly changing hands?

     TWO:  Let them serve until the cases are finalized and a legal judgement rendered. That is good and proper because they are given the benefit of the doubt and who knows, maybe the feds brought a bum case that may have some serious defects which could produce a judgement or result that no one could initially anticipated. The law can be that way: Quirky and nonsensical and full of surprises.

   THREE:  Scramble to find replacements for each accused council person for their respective districts; and start to both groom and fund that potential council candidate to take over at a moment’s notice. Note: if a special election is required upon their removal, I doubt the city will spend the time and funds to do so but rather wait until the fall elections and have those affected slots placed on the ballot.

     FOUR:  Do nothing. Simply weep and bemoan this set of presented allegations and let each charged council member wrestle with their own conscience and make their own decision (before the Fall election) as to whether or not and for the good of council, they stay or leave.

     If you read the allegations and if you assessed the monies that exchanged hands with the confidential sources, you must ask yourself: To taint and besmirch your name, reputation, standing in the community, your now shamed family members, your law schools, and your goodwill for a “few” dollars…was it worth it? Really? And why?

   What is not good and what can be expected based upon prior federal indictments and convictions of similar charges in Toledo (i.e. Bob McCloskey’s conviction in which he served 20 months in the slammer for bribe taking as a council member) is that if a plea deal is reached or an adverse jury verdict is reached, each person, so convicted, will be packing a toothbrush and going off to a federal pen.

     Is it a sad day for Toledo? Sure. Such charges are not lightweight and any such proven conduct (again, it has got to be proven!) is a gaping wound for the local political scene and especially for the now greatly embarrassed Democrats.

     This is the type of case that if the matter proceeds to a trial, you wish the presiding judge will allow TV cameras in the court room since it involves the welfare of the public.

     My take on all of this? Simple: “Oh, how the mighty have fallen!”

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com



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Revised: 07/23/20 10:02:16 -0400.

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