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Remember the Alamo, or Is It the Battle of Big Horn?

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     Well folks, it’s ON!

     Trump and the feckless GOP party aided and abetted by strategist Herr Steven Miller, who is the purported architect of punishing any and all immigrants, legal or illegal, have launched an initial salvo at the Statute of Liberty’s majestic welcome to the huddled masses, the poor and tempest tossed coming to these shores with hope still shining in their eyes.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

    Historical note: The Statute of Liberty was not designed with Africans in mind and its laudable outreach paean as chiseled in its base was not intended to be retroactive towards Africans who came to these shores as citizens of their own countries but were stripped of their citizenship without due process of law…and then were derisively called slaves.

     Herr Trump, himself a product of immigration by his grandparents (much less the history of two of his immigrant wives), has decided that playing to the racial fears of his base regarding their purported economic losses to immigrants and those immigrants engagement in wanton criminal acts will insure his re-election in the 2020 election.

     Herr Trump and his devious minions have now devised a brutal and irrational plan to stymie legal immigrants with restrictions that if they arrive on these shores without certain bona fides (aka: skills, education, money, good health), he is not going to put out the American welcome mat.

     As a matter of fact, if his scandalous plan passes judicial scrutiny, those who are in the US as legal immigrants will feel the wrath of both Herr Trump and Herr Miller since those legally certified immigrants may be placed on a short list of enjoying the benefits of the American safety net.

     That safety net of WIC (Women, Infants and Children getting milk and other maternal benefits for the welfare and health of a family), Medicaid, unemployment insurance benefits, food stamps (now known as, SNAP) and a host of other tangible goodies that make America the land of opportunity, will vanish or be severely curtailed.

     Herr Trump is preparing to, “stick it to both the illegal and legal immigrants”, big time!

     America, if Herr Trump was to have his unobstructed way, would paper over the Statute of Liberty’s beckoning call to the world’s oppressed and he would recraft those famous words to be simply: “Come here only if you are white and got some dough in your pocket and you are not from a “sh*thole country!”

     Herr Trump has no use for brown or black people who come in tattered rags or with little or no command of the English language and with nothing but two nickels in their pockets.

     Trump wants those who have a lineage from Nordic/Aryan stock and he would, just for the sake of appearances, may admit a few computer savvy Asians who can fix our computers or serve up delicious Chinese Dim Sum.

    Those from the swarthy parts of Italy or north Africa or those who are from Mexico, Central America and South America can cancel their travel plans to a US port of entry to apply for entry in America via a green card status or citizenship.

    Herr Trump has donned his John Wayne 20-gallon hat and has loaded up his two six shooters and is rallying the troops to man the ramparts because the dark hordes are coming to these shores and those invaders are in attack mode!

    Herr Trump has made this immigration his personal Alamo and Big Horn (remember General Custer?)  fused all into one. He is standing in the gun tower with his orange comb over blowing in the wind; and he is rousing up the NRA to pass out the guns and the ammo because, here and now, Trump plans to make his campaign stand on the cries and howls of immigrants knocking on the door but Trump defiantly screaming down to them, “No more…not now…not ever!”

     Herr Trump sees the browning of America and it frightens him. It gives him the heebie-jeebies to see so many brown and black people walking down Main Street USA, or they are shown partaking of the American Dream just like prior white immigrants did and still do.

     No, for Herr Trump, America, in his warped racist thinking, is sinking and he plans to right the ship of state and if that means defaming or creating stereotypes of minorities being nigh the devil incarnate, so be it.

     The slogan, Make America Great Again (used before in KKK rallies) is his battle cry of telling his base that you are either with him against these diseased hordes taking over your cities, or you are going to see your daughters marry brown-skinned and black -skinned men, who will give you “butterscotch” grandkids as your progeny or inheritance.

     Trump is finish with the political illusion that he is not a racist. His comments and conduct over the years have duly informed even the most obdurate listener that he is the Real McCoy and all his limp denials of such a characterization is of no value.

    Trump, as former casino operator, is placing all of chips at the roulette table on black. He is hoping that his white base will see black and back him at this Alamo and Big Horn debacle.

    Trump has been labeled as a moron by those who have worked closely with him. He is not an astute student of history for if he was, he would have figured out by now that both the Battle at Big Horn and the Mexican “invaders” attacking the Alamo were losing causes for Trump’s duped forces.

     You can only hope that the terms of surrender when offered by the next Democratic president to the defeated GOP and Trump tattered forces will be befitting for a nation that is in the early throes of more racial angst.

    Hopefully this nation will want to see a purging of both the tomfoolery of Herr Trump and the cowardice of the GOP which has lost any semblance of being honest, laudable or adhering to any touted conservative values which were long ago shredded by this duplicitous president.

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com 


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Revised: 08/22/19 23:56:48 -0400.

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