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Another Letter to Andy… Now a White Teenager

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

Dear Andy:

    How are you doing? I hope all is well with you and your family in Dunkirk Michigan. The last time I wrote to you was when there was a lot of killings of black males by white policemen.

    You were trying to understand or get a grip on what was going on in this country and you reached out to me to write my opinion of what this society was doing to make it so difficult for black males to thrive and prosper.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

    I wrote to you my opinions and you were kind enough to respond back. Now, I believe that what is currently happening in this country is directly related to the election of Donald Trump as president and requires that I update my previous letters to you.

    So, here goes.

    If you have been listening to the news or watching the news, you have seen a plethora of incidents in which or by which President Trump has engaged in ghastly racial behavior that he apparently relishes and, he engages in a pattern of speech that is adorned by outright lies or half-truths and vitriolic name calling.

     It appears that his “base” of voters revel in his racist antics and they support him in his undertakings even though President Trump has amply demonstrated that he is totally clueless as to how government operates and how foreign affairs are conducted.

    He has a pronounced aversion to telling the truth and seemingly revels in denigrating people of color and constantly is in awe of what the world terms as autocrats or dictators. Not good for an American president to idolize those leaders who oppress and kill their citizens and deny them basic human rights.

     But, despite having people around him who are of sound credentials and astute in foreign affairs, President Trump stylizes himself as a “stable genius” and that, “he alone can solve all of our problems.” Only fools and narcissists engage in such loose and dangerous thinking.

     Andy, you asked me the last time we spoke as to how could so many people follow such a person when they have access to sources that would inform them that President Trump lies are open and notorious.

     Andy, once you realize and understand that people vote their fears in the hopes that a savior will protect them from themselves because their fears often drain them of the capacity to think logically and act fairly, people like Trump can gain a mass following with empty rhetoric and hollow promises.

      Andy, when a person can create a “monster” and then tells you that the “monster” is coming your way and your only hope is to throw your allegiances to a loud talking bigot, you take your chances and fall into line.

    That is what the GOP has done with Trump. They are fearful of this bully and his tweet machine and they give him lip service of fealty despite the grave damage he is doing to the national fabric of civic unity and cordial relations.

     A person like Trump does not want to engage in acts of compassion or empathy or personal sacrifice because he has been taught, wrongly so, that such characteristics demonstrates weakness; and Trump wants to be portrayed as a tough guy…almost like a mob figure who takes no prisoner and who will wipe out an opposing family on a mere whim.

     Regrettably, Trump has now surrounded himself with sycophants who are so morally pliable that they have been molded to do his will and not work for the good of the commonweal.

     Andy, I would be less than honest if I did not tell you that so much of the voter base who voter for an apparent “strong leader” as opposed to a woman being president (Hillary Clinton), did so due to the stroking of the fears that America is slowly becoming a nation of minorities and the current hegemony of white males as the sole driver of power and perks in this country is slowly coming to an end.

     That is one reason I believe why Trump is quickly filling up any and all federal judgeships with white males. For it is in the courts of these federal judges, who are appointed for life, that Trump and his anxious white males can make their stand and maintain a stranglehold on any laws that Congress may pass.

     Andy, you seem to be a guy with his head screwed on right, so, be sure to read commentary from both sides of the political aisle so that you are not bamboozled by hijinks regardless of the speaker’s party affiliation.

     Sharing power and perks with other Americans who are not white is not a death knell to any white person. It simply means that a more equitable distribution of wealth and benefits will be passed around the table without one person or a small cabal of persons eating 99 percent of the economic pie!

      Those who oppose the notion that the government should be by the people, of the people and for the people would have you believe that unless you choose sides with people who are draconian in their efforts to stymie any real progress by minorities, you lose.

     Andy, do not believe that cruel hype. America has enough for everyone who wants to share and not hoard and who wants to smile and not frown at each other.

Working for the collective good of the country is a noble task and not everyone is suited for it. I believe you are admirably suited as a young person who has a firm inner moral compass that will not lead you into hypocrisy or mortal turpitude for your only selfish gain.

     I hope I am not wrong about you!

Well, Andy, write me when you can. I listen to your podcast whenever I can and I am

encouraged that you are maturing into a person that I could fondly wrap my arms around your shoulders and smile into the camera and say, “Hey everybody, this is Andy and he is my good friend!”

All the best!

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com



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Revised: 05/23/19 23:46:44 -0400.

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