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Massa Mad .. He Don’t Like Uppity Negroes

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     Well, well, what do we have here? Another Trump tantrum on national TV right in the heartland of Alabama.

      Trump goes to Dixieland and his rant and rave includes blasting not one but two nationally-known black professional athletes for their recent political choices that Trump has taken personally.

      Trump was in a "safe" place in Alabama when he ripped Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors for declining to visit the White House which is purportedly seen as a great honor for a winning professional sports team.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

      With that hesitation, Trump, who is as thin skinned as an over-ripened tomato, rescinded the invitation to the Golden State Warriors and then went on to blast Curry for his stance against such a White House visit.

     Politely, Steph Curry indicated that such a visit would be in effect a mockery of values that he holds dear, values which should also hold true and dear to all Americans. He regrets that Trump expresses any sentiments that value white supremacists ideals.

    Trump's outrageous support of the Neo-Nazis who openly marched and chanted and carried lit torches (reminiscent of Hitler's Germany) in Charlottesville, Virginia was in complete derogation of the American ideal that such hate groups and supporters of any hate groups should be openly and forcibly denounced.

     But not Trump! He vacillated on categorically denying such groups any semblance of allegiance coming from the White House. He simply could not bring himself to totally shame and chastise right wing groups for what they are...anti-American.

     Trump could not bring himself to declare that the KKK and The White Citizens Council were first-class domestic terrorists groups that, in the past dark history of this country, had the stamp of legal approval on their scandalous conduct towards minorities and Jews and others whom they deemed were non Americans.

     No, Trump, acting like the boorish child he is, willingly took on the mantle of a rebuffed benefactor of all things good to little negro children and told them that they have made their Massa mad so he was going to smack their round brown bottoms with a dis-invite to the White House.

     So, knowing that he is in the friendly environs of the deep South...Alabama, Trump smelled out that his audience wanted more red meat from him and he obliged.

     He next took on the former 49'er's quarterback, Colin Kaepernick for his original stance of sitting (now kneeling) when the national anthem was played at football stadiums in which he was a player.

     For Kaepernick, Trump reserved the harshest criticism of his actions by saying in effect that this talented quarterback was a, "son of a bitch.”

As you know, Trump has no moral code or filter over his lazy mouth and mind and to call this man a dog and his mother a bitch, was over the top!

Massa Trump was mad that these two uppity negroes were, in his opinion, running off the plantation and they needed to be stopped before they turn other plantation negroes "bad".

     Massa Trump even went so far as to inject his poison into the employment practices of the NFL owners by stating that when an NFL owner sees an uppity negro not stand for the American flag, that such an act should be cause for firing the offending negro.

     Massa Trump covered himself in the flag when he made these comments by stating that such an expression of freedom of speech has no place in sports and the offending negro should go to a country that he is more comfortable with than America.

     Of course his fawning base loved it that Massa Trump was willing to put into their place these two uppity negroes who had the audacity to think for themselves and to take action that offended Massa Trump.

    It is one thing for Massa Trump to have white folks confront him but to have negroes possess the unmitigated gall to challenge his flag beliefs... that sent him off the edge by calling out Kaepernick's mother as a bitch and Colin as part of her brood!

    Never mind that the American flag also represents your right to either stand or sit during its playing at a sports events.

    Never mind that the American flag was a symbol that black Union soldiers fought and died for and they too and their progeny, have the right to determine, "If I sit or if I stand, it is my choice!"

    Never mind that during Trump's privileged upbringing during the turbulent Sixties and Seventies and to current date, that black people have been marching and protesting and dying to make that American flag work for them.

    No.... because Massa Trump, did not learn a thing about sacrifice and bravery and heroism from the civil rights marchers and which marchers were the sentinels that demanded that the freedoms of that flag work for everyone.

    Massa Trump's lack of knowledge of American history is so breath taking that he would have the temerity to go on national television and in one instance laud white supremacists marchers and in the next instance vilify two black men who were operating on their beliefs that were in line with American values.

     Massa Trump's denigration of both Curry and Kaepernick in their exercise of the freedoms that Trump enjoys everyday again shows the Grand Canyon gap between two Americas.

     One ruled by a small-minded man who has yet to date to apologize to President Obama for the birtherism lies he originated; and to the five black men now known as the Central Park Five who were exonerated for the allegations of rape during the time that Trump was a New York media hound who used those wrong convictions to run his race based game against all things black.

    And the other America populated by the rest of us who are a captive audience listening to the histrionics of a man who by any stretch of the imagination is totally unfit, morally, intellectually or otherwise to sit in the Oval Office. 

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com    


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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:34 -0700.

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