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Hands in the Air? … I Don’t Care!

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     The gripping, civil unrest scenes in Ferguson, Missouri is making for prime-time television since we are seeing  a somnolent community that is waking up out of their self-imposed political apathy to the horrors of witnessing a new gang taking over their streets and deciding who lives and who dies.

     With the untimely and sudden death of the black teen Michael Brown, the community of Ferguson is caught in the cross hairs of a practically all-white police department that is blundering its way through a public relations nightmare.

     It is not enough that the unarmed college-bound teen was purportedly murdered in cold blood in broad daylight with both of his hands raised up.

     It is not enough that one eyewitness who was in spitting distance of the murder scene has consistently given statements that all jibe together.

     It is not enough that the bewildered police department is acting as if it is under siege and which siege mentality was caused directly by their own incompetence and arrogance.

     But to now withhold information regarding the murder is beyond comprehension. Of course, if the shooter was a black officer (there are only three black officers on the police force of 53!) his name and information about the murder would have been released so the police chief could have the trump card of saying it was not a white cop/black man shoot.

    Depending on what network you are listening to, the befuddled police chief is trying to spin the news by planting the information that there was a prior brief altercation in the police car with the shooter and the shootee.

    However, evidence is clearly showing that after that purported tussle, the dead teen was far and apart from the shooter and the teen had both hands up in the air and he was shot once in the back and then turned around with his hands up and then again, shot several times.

    Clearly, the teen not a danger to anyone and with no evidence of any weapon or physical threat to the outraged officer, there was no need for the kid to be blasted with a multiplicity of gunshots.

    The multiplicity of the gunshots to the head and chest bespeaks of an howling inner rage that this white cop had towards the kid whom he thought may have gotten the best of him in the earlier altercation, if any, and the cop had to show everyone and his buds in blue that he was no punk and what better way to establish your street cred than to knock off the punk that dissed you.

     Even if there was a prior altercation in which the now-dead teen got the best of the officer; and got in a blow or two, that does not mandate his summary execution.

     You arrest him on charges of assault and resisting arrest and case closed.

But no. Not this officer. He wanted the penultimate revenge and that was to show the teen that when all else fails and your manhood is on the line, you shoot and you shoot to kill.

    And. If there are any historical anecdotes to this type of murder being condoned by the city, the cop thought it was worth a chance, because, after all, what is the rate of a murder conviction for a white cop killing a black person in Missouri?

     So you play the race card and the odds which are in your favor which states that a cop can do no wrong; and you blow away the perp and run for cover.

    Is this the beginning of a new street gang known as COPS?

     Does this mean that if you are a member of COPS that you can hype up a minor tussle and use it to justify murder in broad daylight and expect the black community to not protest and howl at such barbaric treatment coming from those who are to protect and serve?

    Was this a hate crime? Absolutely! This cop hated this kid so much for whom he was, whom he represented and for embarrassing him in front of his bud and for that, for this cop, murder was this kid’s just desserts.

   Will a grand jury, either state or federal, indict this street gang member on charges of murder and intimidation and violation of his civil rights? We will wait and see.

    However in the meantime, I want to severely reprimand and chastise the black folks of Ferguson for their sloth and fear of putting up with this mess for so long.

    With the black citizens being in the majority in that city, why in the dickens did they not organize years and years ago and run for city council and other municipal political slots that would have changed the color and tenor of their local government?

    Was there a local or regional NAACP or Urban League or other civic organization that was not doing the grunt work of registering voters to vote out the scoundrels who could have created this culture in which murder in broad daylight could have even been contemplated?

    If the minority community would have banded together years ago, they could have influenced the election of the mayor, city council and the election or appointment of the police chief and other civic officials.

    To see a community of cowards who were not willing to register to vote and organize for demonstrable changes, one can only think of how things would have fared for the dead teen if his community had the gumption to take control of the reins of power and not devolve into a community of slackers.

    A response to this murder by looting Wal-Mart and trashing your own neighborhoods and burning cars is sheer buffoonery and only demonstrates the utterly low level of sophisticated political and economic intelligence of the Ferguson residents.

    In the end, I hope two things happen in Ferguson: (1) the shooter is brought to trial and is convicted of murder and (2) the black residents of Ferguson wake up out of their decades of a long self-imposed slumber and organize themselves for real political power.

     Moral of the story: Don’t complain (rioting) about what you can change!

Note: Pay careful attention to how the right wing media will excoriate and traduce both the dead teen and the witnesses to the murder. The “ throw the mud” party is next.

Contact Lafe Tolliver at Tolliver@Juno.com


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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:30 -0700.

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